7 ways to deal when shit gets crazy in life
We all want Instagram-perfect lives where nothing goes wrong. Where we always look fab, our kids ( or pets?) are clean & happy, were rich, we had all the new tech, we have a normal fun family that is totally cool, and were healthy AF. I mean doesn't everybody else have the perfect moments lined up in the feed with the best filters?
NOT SHOWN: The Bull S*** ! We all have great photos at times, yes but, real life isn't ice cream cones in a $300 outfit in front of a palm tree. It's you get a flat tire, your co-workers "seem" way more put together and are excelling at their careers, It's family drama happening and annoying you, it's gaining 5 pounds. When life gets real we could all use some tips on how to stay cool and get our s*** together!
SO here are 7 tips on how to deal with the Bull S*** and get back to being the fab you!
Sit down for 10 minutes and relax. Try to wrap your head around the things that are happening. Try to think logically about the issues at hand and your plan of action to take care of them. Does anyone else usually get so frazzled about the issues they just run around and slam shit and freak out? Yeah, that’s not helpful and makes you even more bat-shit crazy! Sit down and chill for a second!
Pamper yourself. Do a face mask, take a bath, de-clutter your home, organize your closet do something that helps you feel like you have your shit together! It will help and once you do one task to treat yourself the way the adult you should feel you won’t want to stop there!
Workout! Working out clears your mind and brings clarity into your world. It is such an important aspect of life, it can be any activity you enjoy. Running, dancing, walking, kickboxing, sex?! There's no excuse with tons of free workouts on YouTube, you can basically do any class in the comfort of your own home for FREE! Eat healthy too, treating your body with the highest respect is going to leave you feeling AMAZING!
Meditate. Meditate for 10 minutes each day, and clear your mind so you can take charge of your day with a clean slate. You can actually knock tasks off the list with an intentional plan each day!
Talk to someone older who can help you navigate the troubles you are facing. We never want to listen to our parents but they most times are right and have lived life longer than us so hey they have more experience- they want to help you! It doesn't have to be a parent or even family, maybe a therapist, a specialized individual in the field, or a friend!
Read a book or blog on the subject. Research find answers, and motivate yourself to handle the issues so you can move on if your life!
Treat yourself with kind words, a treat, and some relaxing time. You deserve it! A little "me" time will do the trick, get healthy, treat yourself right, and know that all is going to be okay! In the grand scheme of things will these issues matter in 5 years?! Don't let the little things get you down- cherish the good people around you and the magical memories you are making!
** EXTRA TIP - Stop comparing yourself to others! Everyone has their issues whether they are noticeable or not we are all living our own lives and have our own paths so we must appreciate the one we are living and make it exactly what we want!
Adulting is hard. We're in this together.