Easy beach babe hair!
Okay, I don't know about you but I am super low key with my hair usually. I rarely use heat on it and I dig the not done look. I really love the beach babe look so I wanted to share with be you today one of the easiest ways to get tousel even at home ( if home is not the beach hehe ) 🏖️
I really have to give this trick's credit to my Nan who use to do this to my hair all the te when I was little!
So after you get a shower and wash your hair, braid it when it's wet! It doesn't have to be a fancy braid just a regular braid and the tighter you do it the tighter the wave/ curl will be! I'll show the products I use in my hair below, I put them in before I braid!
Loreal Pro Fiber link is HERE!
Matrix Varnish link is HERE!
Amika Supernova link is HERE!
Get yourself this Coconut Oil using my link HERE!
You can go ahead and braid at night and sleep on it or leave it in for atleast5-6 hours. Go ahead take out the bras and bam - beach babe in the making! Add a tan and drink in the hand to complete the look 😘👙🍹🌴 enjoy this easy hair trick! XO - Sammy 💖